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Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Jan 28, 2016

This week, Mike & Sincere discuss the following:
  • How to manage caffeine stimulation via theanine
  • How CNS exhaustion plays a major role in hindering training goals & how to counteract it
  • Why Dr. Fred Hatfield's Zig Zag dieting approach is very beneficial
  • Why is Sincere the carbohydrate anti-Christ
  • The guys discuss...

Jan 21, 2016

This week, Mike & Sincere discuss the following:
  • Why denial is a river and not an accurate measure for health
  • What is the Japanese philosophy of "kaizen" & how is it an ideal approach to training 
  • Defining negligence and accidents could be the difference on avoiding injuries at the gym
  • Why taking 2 steps forward...

Jan 14, 2016

Dr. Mark Gordon is a pioneer in hormone testing and replacement in victims of traumatic brain injury & has now treated scores of brain-injured patients, balancing their deficient hormones and achieving remarkable recovery, even in patients who are years out from their original injury. Dr. Gordon returns to discuss the...

Jan 7, 2016

Lee Boyce is a highly respected and sought-after strength coach, professional fitness writer, and an ex-athlete. Lee is based in Toronto, where he currently works with, as he describes,  not-so-slight-at-heart clients, for strength, general conditioning, corrective training, sports performance and muscle...