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Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Nov 26, 2018

LLA Episode #242: This week, we take time to reflect on the contributions of the late Charles Poliquin, and his impact on us, the fitness industry, his charitable interests, as well as the following:
  • Mike reflects on his encounters with the late Charles Poliquin
  • Why utilizing a podcast as a pitchfest is really a bad...

LLA Ep.#242: This week, we take time to reflect on the contributions of the late Charles Poliquin

Nov 26, 2018

LLA Episode #242: This week, we take time to reflect on the contributions of the late Charles Poliquin, and his impact on us, the fitness industry, his charitable interests, as well as the following:
  • Mike reflects on his encounters with the late Charles Poliquin
  • Why utilizing a podcast as a pitchfest is really a bad...