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Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Jul 27, 2015

Mike & Sincere address popular listener submitted questions and the following:
  • Are there any benefits to placing Mike's Recovery Oil on the testicles other than guaranteeing you a spot as a Chippendale dancer
  • What hormone is an indicator that "NO" natural testosterone supplement will work for you
  • Is it important to...

Jul 21, 2015

Fitness legend and popular LLA Show guest, Clarence Bass, returns to talk abbreviated training, the latest studies on Parkinson's, marijuana, and the following:
  • Mike & Sincere share how LLA listeners can help LLA friend of the show Jase Nibourg kick cancer in the ass
  • Mike shares how he utilized Clarence's...

Jul 13, 2015

Michael Friedman, Ph.D. is the author of the book, "Brick By Brick," a contributor to Pschology Today, The Huffington Post, and is a clinical psychologist specializing in how social relationships influence mental and physical health. Dr. Mike joins the LLA show to discuss the following:
  • Are there any real benefits...

Jul 6, 2015

Anabolics expert, Anthony Roberts, returns to discuss steroids & anabolics 101: Truth vs. Myths. During this episode Anthony talks all the things you thought were true about the use of steroids and other anabolics, as well as, what the media didn't tell you about football legend Lyle Alzado & WWE superstar Chris...