Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan
Ep.#104: Voice For The's Melya Kaplan returns to discuss the business benefits of pets & real estate, why you should smash someone's car window, what the circus & Sea World don't want you to know, & increasing your child's I.Q. via compassion
Ep.#104: Voice For The's Melya Kaplan returns to discuss the business benefits of pets & real estate, why you should smash someone's car window, what the circus & Sea World don't want you to know, & increasing your child's I.Q. via compassion
Melya Kaplan (
founded Voice For The Animals in 1999.
Melya was inspired to start Voice For The Animals after seeing many
homeless cats and dogs wandering the streets of Venice when she
first moved to the community. She quickly realized there was a dire
need for a new type of animal protection organization. Melya
returns to the LLA podcast to share the latest happenings at VFTA,
why real estate and pet rescue are a match made in heaven, as well
as the following:
did a guy looking to move in a new apartment do that totally pis-ed
Mike off
is the biggest issue in terms of pet-friendly housing & why is it a
bonus in the real estate market
the stigma about tenants who have pets
ruining rentals is a myth
Why spaying
and neutering pets actually extends the life of
your pet
much of a role do puppy mills play into
the overcrowding of shelters and increased animal
you may have the legal right to smash
someone's car window & if so, why you should start now
studies have shown in terms of the relationship to
compassion, increased I.Q.s in children, as
well as the cycle of violence
you may not know about circuses, Sea World,
and other animal entertainment
does VFTA makes a point to accept underage
social media has played a huge role in animal
rescue and other positive situations, in spite of the
typical online flame wars and selfie fests
Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan, combine their decades of experiences as successful entrepreneurs & health & fitness experts, and chat w/guests w/a no holds barred approach to living life on your own terms. Bullsh-tter's discretion is advised.