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Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Sep 29, 2015

This week, Mike & Sincere talk about dealing with death, stress, an on-going injuries. Plus, the guys share tips on deadlifting with speed, Steve Cotter's training protocol, as well as the following: 
  • Mike shares how he addressed an on-going injury & why it's important to always get a 2nd opinion, in terms of a Dr.'s...

Sep 21, 2015

Dr. Jose Antonio, Ph.D. is the CEO and co-founder of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. He gives an occasional talk, writes a bit, and can read your mind (but only after consuming copious quantities of coffee).  An expert on supplements, science-based nutrition research, and more, Dr. Antonio's seminars are...

Sep 14, 2015

For over a decade Nate Morrison has been leading the fight to dramatically reform and redefine military and tactical fitness. He was the first to introduce kettlebells to the military and wider tactical community and even deployed with them to Afghanistan and Iraq before most people had even heard of them. 

His first...

Sep 8, 2015

Highly sought-after strength coach, Steve Cotter, returns to discuss becoming vegan, as well as his view of living a plant-based lifestyle and why he could no longer continue to eat, live, and view life the same, prior to switching his food choices. How has making the complete 180 degree switch to plant-based...