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Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Mar 18, 2018

Links & Resources mentioned in the show:

Mar 15, 2018

LLA Bonus Episode: Mike met with Harm's Way frontman, James Pligge in Vegas to have a conversation on the new Harm's Way record "Posthuman" and discuss the following: 

  • James' powerlifting regimen 
  • Challenges training on the road 
  • How James regimen changes when touring
  • Working with James Skinner of American Barbell...

Mar 5, 2018

LLA Ep #223 pt.2: Prince Bell

  • Prince discusses meeting porn stars, Darth Vader underoos, and hiding his "lightsaber" 
  • The guys talk the most non-optimal places to rub trans-dermal testosterone cream
  • Why the post-millenial generation is more depressed
  • Why the bitcoin rush has many committing the ultimate ponzi scheme on...