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Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Mar 15, 2018

LLA Bonus Episode: Mike met with Harm's Way frontman, James Pligge in Vegas to have a conversation on the new Harm's Way record "Posthuman" and discuss the following: 

  • James' powerlifting regimen 
  • Challenges training on the road 
  • How James regimen changes when touring
  • Working with James Skinner of American Barbell Club
  • Why consistency is more important than following the current hyped program. 
  • The importance of patience and to enjoy the process 
  • Why everyone should start light, emphasize technique, and work with a trainer to learn optimal form. 
  • Why the negatives of poor form will stalk you like a crazy ex. 
  • How workout progress and band progression are similar 
  • What to do when you're not making progress 
  • The response to the new Harm's Way record 
  • How working with Metal Blade for the new record is different than Deathwish for the last record. 


All this and much more:
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