Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan
Ep.#159: Top strength coach, Lee Boyce, helps kick off the first episode of the LLA Show for 2016 by talking training goals, avoiding training pitfalls, go-to mobility drills, the benefits of injuries and more
Ep.#159: Top strength coach, Lee Boyce, helps kick off the first episode of the LLA Show for 2016 by talking training goals, avoiding training pitfalls, go-to mobility drills, the benefits of injuries and more
Lee Boyce is a highly respected and
sought-after strength coach, professional fitness writer, and an
ex-athlete. Lee is based in Toronto, where he currently works with,
as he describes, not-so-slight-at-heart clients, for
strength, general conditioning, corrective training, sports
performance and muscle development.
Lee is also a contributing author for a number of popular
fitness magazines including : Men's Health, Men's Fitness, TNATION,
Muscle & Fitness, Esquire, Men's Journal and Lee
helps Mike and Sincere kick off the first episode of 2016, as they
discuss the following:
The guys discuss their training goals for
How to avoid the pitfalls of setting the wrong training
How has Lee benefited most from recent
How is Mike currently utilizing a "greasing the
groove" technique to achieve his pressing goals
What is Lee's view on mobility and are there any go-to
mobility drills he suggests
Why every parent should watch "The Marinovich
Project" on Netflix & HBO's "Trophy Kids"
What was the best advice a former lawyer
client gave Lee, in terms of writing articles
Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan, combine their decades of experiences as successful entrepreneurs & health & fitness experts, and chat w/guests w/a no holds barred approach to living life on your own terms. Bullsh-tter's discretion is advised.