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Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Dec 9, 2017

LLA Episode #217: Fitness legend and author of one of the most influential training books, "Bulgarian Power Burst," Leo Costa joins us to discuss surviving 3 strokes in 3 weeks, strength training wisdom from the Bulgarians, plus the following:
  • How did Leo utilize the knowledge gained from an exclusive trip to visit the Bulgarian weightlifting team to create his popular bodybuilding program
  • How was Leo's first book "Bulgarian Power Burst" far ahead of its time and how has it influenced today's high sequence/high-intensity training programs
  • What was the Bulgarian's take on "warming up" before your main lifting session & how can you benefit from it
  • Leo describes his "micro-periodization" program
  • Leo shares the Bulgarian's non-conventional recovery techniques
  • What non-traditional methods did Leo utilize following having 3 strokes within 3 weeks
  • Leo shares how rehabbing from his strokes were far harder than any of the training he did in his life
  • Leo describes how the mind-body connection is not just some metaphysical woo woo
  • Leo shares the highlights of his app, "Automatic Diet Plus," and how its users can benefit from it
  • Leo describes his experience training under the tutelage of bodybuilding legend Tom Platz
All this and much more:
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