Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan
Ep.#118: Dr. William Wong returns to talks erectile dysfunction, how to avoid or eradicate it, the best supplements for sexual health, why he's pro-polygamy, why fish oil is a waste of time & more
Ep.#118: Dr. William Wong returns to talks erectile dysfunction, how to avoid or eradicate it, the best supplements for sexual health, why he's pro-polygamy, why fish oil is a waste of time & more
Dr. William
Wong returns to discuss a topic many of our listeners
asked that we discuss...Erectile Dysfunction & how to address it.
With Valentine's Day around the corner, the timing for this episode
could not be any better. Prepare to be educated, entertained, and
informed, as we discuss a topic few want to personally talk about,
but many definitely want to know more about. Plus, we go in depth
about the following:
Mike shares how he was
instrumental in the title of Dr. Wong's new book
on erectile dysfunction
How do events such as
daily stress or an extreme event such as sexual
abuse play a part in contributing to
erectile dysfunction
What are
the 4 things that are absolutely
necessary to have an erection
is dopamine so important for healthy
sexual function
Why should men NOT
take cialis, levitra, or viagra
How do fats fuel sex
hormones and which fats should you consume for optimal
sexual health
Dr. Wong shares
how fast food plays a major part in poor
sexual health
How does spinach help
increase testosterone
Why is Dr. Wong a big
fan of highland maca
Why everything you
know about fish oil is wrong & what is a
better alternative for recovery
does systemic enzymes play a major role
in eradicating erectile dysfunction
How does coffee help
fight off ED
Why pharmaceutical
giant Eli Lilly is making sure you will
never get the best "natural" erection enhancer
Why is is important to
start "modifying" your training program
"after" age 27
Why does the
"1 minute man" syndrome happen &
how can men avoid it
Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan, combine their decades of experiences as successful entrepreneurs & health & fitness experts, and chat w/guests w/a no holds barred approach to living life on your own terms. Bullsh-tter's discretion is advised.