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Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Nov 25, 2013

Jon Hinds ( is thefounder of Monkey Bar Gym, inventor of Lifeline USA equipment, bodyweight strength coach, & vegan athlete. For over 30 years, Jon has successfully trained a variety of clients, from NBA and major league baseball players, to the everyday hard-working joe and jane, to some of the top celebrities in Hollywood.

During episode #32 of the Live Life Aggressively podcast, Jon joins Mike & Sincere to discuss:

  • Jon shares how the early days of his career training celebrities, professional athletes, and helping clients make amazing transformations helped create his Monkey Bar Gym training system
  • Jon's secrets to training celebrities and the most common mistakes many trainers make when focusing on training celebrities 
  • What's the connection between Jon's company, Lifeline USA, Jon's dad, & former mob boss, John Gotti?
  • What are the benefits of training with resistance bands vs. weights
  • What training equipment has consistently improved Jon's jump training for the past 15 years and how
  • How Jon effectively utilizes bodyweight training with kettlebells and why
  • How Jon first connected with Sincere and Mike in the fitness industry
  • Jon shares the events that led him to shift his focus to a plant-based diet & how it affected his training and lifestyle
  • Jon's biggest mistakes in his earlier approach to a plant-based diet & how he corrected it 
  • How Jon has helped to grow his Monkey Bar Gym's in 5 continents and growing
  • Jon shares how he maintains his diet regimen in spite of a consistent global travel schedule
  • What listeners can learn from Mike, Jon, and Sincere's individual diet choices
  • What was said during the show that may tick off some nutritionists 
  • Why calories don't matter as much as most may think, as well as how the guys feel about the IIFYMs diet (If it fit's your macros)
  • What you don't know about some of those fitness models featured in those inspirational quote memes often shared on social media

All this and much more. Subscribe, download, listen, and share this episode now by hopping over to iTunes or Stitcher at

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