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Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Aug 15, 2014

John Joseph (http://purepma.comis a punk rock singer from New York City, most famous for his work with the Cro-Mags in the 1980s and the band Bloodclot. Joseph is the author of the book "Meat is for Pussies," released in the Spring of 2010 on vegan nutrition, training, and the healthy lifestyle. John grew up as an orphan on the streets of New York and was plagued with a life of drugs and violence. John credits his plant-based lifestyle, which he adopted in 1980, in helping him turn his life around.
Never one to pull any punches, John joins us to discuss:
  • Mike discusses how the Cro-Mags influenced his diet, his teen years, as well as his career in fitness
  • John shares how Bad Brains played an important role in his career
  • How does John utilize his life as a musician to help enhance and improve the lives of others
  • John explains why "Meat Is For Pussies!"
  • How did John's nutritional lifestyle influence Texas gang members to thrive on a plant-based lifestyle
  • How are fem-nazis trying to take over the animal rights movement & aspects of the food industry & why they are getting it wrong, as well as negatively impacting the feminist movement
  • Why are the guys talking about "meat wrapped in bacon" and shoved up a turkey or pig's anus, as a food choice
  • John shares how he successfully self-published his book & how major book publisher Harper Collins aggressively pursue him for a book deal
  • John shares his relationship with Whole Foods & discusses how Whole Foods is moving forward with making higher quality foods more available in lower income neighborhoods    
  • What is John's daily diet regimen
  • Why soy "may not be" the testosterone-killing, estrogen-promoting food as many may believe
  • John shares why Dr. Oz is flake and a fraud
  • Mike & Sincere share their favorite podcast at this moment 


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