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Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Oct 2, 2014

What's the best...scratch that...what's the "smarted" way to train, if you're 50 or older, train clients who at 50+, or train yourself and/or clients approaching 50? Top strength coach Vince McConnell returns to the LLA podcast to share how he helps his clients in this age range, as well as how he trains himself for strength and longevity, as well a the following:
  • Why is 50 the new 30 & why does Vince hate the term "wellness"
  • How did Vince convince his 87 year old client to actually love weight training
  • Why should older trainees train "everyday," contrary to popular belief that older populations should train less
  • How do you train on days that you don't feel your best
  • Why "Great Expectations" is a better novel than a training mantra
  • What did Vince learn from Clarence Bass in terms of "uniformed eating"
  • What's an example of Vince's weekly training routine
  • How do you know when it's time to change your training program 
  • What type of exercise does Vince feel is the most important for the trainee over 50
  • What does it mean to "load the move" vs. "move the load"
  • "Lifting heavy things for your spouse" vs. "Saving yourself for your training..." which one wins?
All this and much more:
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