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Live Life Aggressively Podcast w/Mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Dec 29, 2017

LLA Episode #218: It's our annual year end episode. On this episode we discuss the following:
  • Mike and Sincere share their favorite episodes of 2017 and why
  • What is the future of the LLA free episodes
  • Why it's more important to become a Patreon premium episode subscriber more than ever
  • Future guests for 2018
  • Why the...

Dec 9, 2017

LLA Episode #217: Fitness legend and author of one of the most influential training books, "Bulgarian Power Burst," Leo Costa joins us to discuss surviving 3 strokes in 3 weeks, strength training wisdom from the Bulgarians, plus the following:
  • How did Leo utilize the knowledge gained from an exclusive trip to visit...

Nov 20, 2017

Ep.#216Dr. Mark Gordon returns to discuss the following:
  • Why is estrogen is so misunderstood
  • When supplementing with testosterone (i.e. TRT), what hormone is needed even more, but is often ignored
  • What is Dr. Gordon's opinion of DHT creme, in terms of increasing sex drive in men
  • Why taking a liver panel...

Nov 10, 2017

Ep.#215: Top strength coach and all around high-level athlete, Andrew Durniat returns to discuss the following:
  • Mike issues an online challenge to our listeners. Do you have what it takes to win?
  • How does Andrew mesh strength training, kettlebell sport, and extensive endurance event training...

Oct 30, 2017

Ep.#214: Top strength coach, physical culturist, and guitarist for the hardcore band Burn, Gavin Van Vlack returns to discuss the following:
  • Gavin shares why it took Burn so long to get back together and put out their first full length album
  • How does Burn intelligently manage to merge the musical energy of the 90s...